南宫28圈官网|双语科技百科(工程建筑) 第76期:嵩岳寺塔
- 时间:2024-09-17 来源:南宫28圈官网 人气:
本文摘要:Songyue Pagoda嵩岳寺塔Songyue Pagoda is situated in Songyue Temple in the south of Mount Song and at the foot of Taishi Mountain, where all is nestling among the mountains and in the folds of the forests and mountains , the spring water stream
Songyue Pagoda嵩岳寺塔Songyue Pagoda is situated in Songyue Temple in the south of Mount Song and at the foot of Taishi Mountain, where all is nestling among the mountains and in the folds of the forests and mountains , the spring water streams, and the birds twitter, making people there bathed in the scenery of serenity and grace as if in the paradise. Initially built in the year 509 and the Summer Palace of Emperor Xuangwu of Northern Wei, Songyue Temple was later transformed into a buddhist temple At the time, it was very large in size and at its heyday, as could be proved by the fact that Emperor Wu Zetian in the Tang Dynasty once took it as her temporary dwelling place when visiting Mount Song. Songyue Pagoda, built in the first year of Zhengguang of Northern Wei, namely in the year 520, was, among the existing pagodas with the dense-eaves types, the earliest one. The whole pagoda, assuming a graceful parabola shape, is exquisite in design and considered to be the classic of the pagodas with the dense-eaves types. With a height of 39. 8 meters, a circumference of 33.7 meters and a thickness of 2.45 meters, it has i5 tiers equilateral-dodecagoned dense eaves as the body and is the only example of its kind among the various kinds of ancient pagodas extant in our country. The pagoda, composed of the base, the body, the dense eaves and the finial, was built with the bluish bricks, it is hollow inside and tube-shaped.There are between the tiers such things as the doors, mullion windows and carved animals, the design of which is ingenious, unique and spectacular. Songyue Pagoda, boasting a height of almost 40 meters and a history of over 1400 years, can be considered one of the extremely fine craftsmanships. The modern scientific principles in geology, geometry, physics and chemistry were applied, and the building materials, namely the small bluish bricks and glutinous rice juice, firmly agglutinated together. Songyue Pagoda, given its unique shape, became a masterpiece in the ancient Chinese architectural history, and is of great research value in the architecture.嵩岳寺塔坐落于嵩山南麓,太室山脚下的嵩岳寺内,这里群山环抱、山林凌局映、泉水淙淙、鸟语和鸣、景色清幽典雅,一派人间仙景。嵩岳寺始建于公元509年,原本是宣武帝的离官,后改回佛教寺院。
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